The sweetest book about pets for all animal lovers.
The perfect book for any child who loves animals! In this endearing story, our kind-hearted hero meets a variety of cute pets. The child has lots of fun playing with the animals. They also learn some super-cool things, like how to clean some animals or how to feed and care for them.
From the excitement of teaching dogs fun tricks and riding a sweet pony to relaxing with the tortoises in sun and feeding colorful budgies. The helpful child also visits the vet to help a cat with a broken paw. It is sure to be a lovely, fun-filled day!
The book is lovingly written and beautifully illustrated by the talented Meike Schneider, whose love for animals is clearly felt throughout the story. The book creates fun conversations about animals and how to take good care of them.
An adorable, read aloud book from 3 years and up. If the child already has one or more pets, they can be included in the text.
Schrijver: Meike Schneider
Illustrator: Meike Schneider
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